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Infinity Nutrition is all about quality ingredients and formulations. Our brand is built on providing products without the nasty chemicals seen in major nutrition brands. Why put in your body all the goodness if the product is polluted with nasty additives or the raw materials are poor quality and not up to standard. The old fashion say “You pay for what you get”. This can be somewhat true and with a great example being Protein. We access our whey protein for New Zealand and is a high grade, intact quality protein. With the advent of cheaper retail price and competiveness to make sales, manufacturing companies may access a cheaper protein, not from a grass fed quality source to keep prices down. This would not be noticed by the end consumer. Our brand does not skip on quality for the sake of producing the best possible product in the market place. Our brand has been around for over 12 years under different brands (Wellness Nutrition, Advanced Neutraceuticals) but now rebranded under the consistent name “IFINITY”.